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Users & Teams

Sharing with Teams & Users
OneDesk lets you share projects with your teams or users. In OneDesk sharing is done at the ‘Project’ level. Non-admin users will not be able to see the project or the items within it unless the...
Project Roles & Permissions
OneDesk allows you to add users to your projects and define their roles and permissions. Control what they can do within the projects by assigning project roles. By changing roles you can give or...
User Teams
A user is someone who has access to the main OneDesk web app. A team is a group of users. A team is basically synonymous with a department. For example, you might have a team for support and another...
Communicating with Users & Teams
OneDesk lets you keep in touch with your users and teams to ensure you are all working on the same page. The messenger application in OneDesk centralizes all incoming communications so you never...
Deactivating & Reactivating Users or Customers
What is deactivating a user? A deactivated user is temporarily disabled. The user can no longer login to Onedesk. The user’s profile will appear transparent on the item detail panel and conversation...
Converting Customers to Users
Customer to User Conversion A User is anyone who has access to the main OneDesk application. Users have access to OneDesk’s internal applications. Customers on the other hand, can use the...
How to Mute or Restrict the Notification Bell
Depending on a user’s notification settings in OneDesk, they may receive a sound alert in response to a message being received. You can either mute this sound effect entirely or change when an alert...
Importing Users
You can import users into your OneDesk from .csv files. Before importing There are a few things to know and/or do before importing. Remember, users are the members of your team and the main point of...
How to Change the Account Owner in OneDesk
By default, in OneDesk the Account Owner of an organization is the first user to sign up for a new organization (eg. the user who creates their organization inside OneDesk). For example, if User1...
Deleting Users
Administrators can delete user accounts inside OneDesk. You may need to delete a user if the user has left your organization and you wish to add in a new user license, or a user no longer needs...
Requesters vs. Followers: Differences and Uses
In OneDesk, you can add followers and requesters to your tickets, tasks, projects, and timesheets. Those who are added as followers or requesters will, by default, receive updates on changes, such...
Add / Manage Users
Manage your team more effectively with OneDesk’s agent & team management capabilities. On the bottom left, click More apps >> Users Here you will find your Users app, with all your organization’s...
Security Roles & User App Permissions
In OneDesk, you can grant different levels of access to all your applications on the per-user level. This allows you to control what applications your users are able to access and what they can and...
Single Sign-On (SSO)
(Available for Enterprise level plans only) OneDesk lets you set up Single Sign-On (SSO) to permit your users and customers to log in using their existing credentials. If the user does not exist,...
Viewing and Changing User and Customer Email Addresses
When you create a user or customer account inside OneDesk, you set the email address associated with the user or customer account. This address can be viewed inside OneDesk and changed in the future...
Troubleshooting: Single Sign On (SSO)
This article covers some common issues customers experience when using or setting up SSO with OpenID or SAML. For complete steps of setting up SSO with OpenID see the following articles: Setting up S
Reset Password: For Users or Customers
If a user or customer has forgotten their password, the password reset request email can be triggered. The email contains a link to change the password and can be triggered from a few locations. For...
User Availability and User Calendar
(Available on Premium level plans or higher) The user calendar is a view that is available for each user of your organization. The user calendar allows you to set a user’s individual working hours,...
Resource Management
(Some features are only available on Premium level plans or higher) Resource management involves getting a clear picture of who is available and when, in order to utilize your team’s full capacity...
Automatic Time Tracking / Timer Access Only
Time tracking in OneDesk can be done through timers or timesheets. By default, stopping a timer opens a timesheet. In the timesheet, the agent can alter the working hours, add notes, set the time as...
User Notifications
User Emails & Notifications In-app, push and email notifications can be configured on an individual user basis. Access your own notification settings from the top right user menu and click on My...
Cannot See a Property / Field
Can’t see a property on the detail panel Follow this article if the following applies to your situation: You cannot see a property on the detail panel of your tickets, task, projects, etc. This...
Using Custom Fields
About custom fields Custom fields are properties which can be added to detail panels, internal creation forms, or customer-facing webforms. Custom fields provide a way to capture or store additional...
User / Customer Types
What are user and customer types OneDesk allows you to have customer or user types. You can select a name, color, and icon for each type to visually distinguish them from one another. User or...