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Items Application: Tickets & Tasks in One View

OneDesk allows you to view tickets and tasks together in one application. You can enable the ‘Items’ application, which will show both tickets and tasks together, organized under their respective projects. This allows you and your team to work on and manage tickets and tasks without having to switch to individual applications.  

Enabling the Items Application

To enable the items application in OneDesk, first head to more applications -> administration -> user apps. In this menu, you can edit existing application names and enable or disable applications entirely. If you disable an application, the application will be removed from your view entirely in OneDesk and will need to be re-enabled to see it again.

The items application is disabled by default, so if you wish to enable it, toggle on the “Show Hidden Applications” switch in the top-right corner, and then toggle on the items application. It will now be shown on the left alongside your tickets and tasks, and can have its name edited by selecting it under the “User Application” column.

Using the Items Application - With an Example

The items application functions in the same way as the unique ticket and task applications in OneDesk, with the only difference being that your tickets and tasks are visible all in one location.

The items application exists independently of your ticket and task applications. This means you can apply filters and create custom views exclusive to the items application and share those with other users, without them affecting how you look at tickets and tasks exclusively in their own applications.

Items Application Use-Case: Workload at a Glance

One example of how the items application can be used with a custom view is to look at organization workload. A custom view can be created to show all the tickets and tasks as a Gantt chart, seeing at a glance what days have heavy workloads.

To create this view, select the “+” when hovering over the “My Views” heading on the left-hand side of the screen.

In the resulting creation menu, select the Gantt layout. Add in additional filters such as by assignee as needed. You will see your tickets and tasks displayed in a Gantt layout:

Using the items application allows you to view your tickets and tasks side-by-side in this view, without needing to create two separate Gantt views for them. 

When you are done with the view, select the save icon beside “Unsaved View”, give the view a name, and share it with other users if necessary.

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