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Company Preferences

OneDesk lets you configure your company preferences in order to make the application better fit your needs. The ‘Company Preferences’ section of your administration settings allows you to change many general settings. Here you can change your company name and logo, set up your work hours, change language settings, and more. This article will explain all the settings available in this section.

You will find all these settings in Administration > Company Preferences


Company Name - The company name is set upon creation of your OneDesk account. You can change it from this location.

The company name appears by default in various locations:

  • At the top of some hierarchical work views such as Projects → By Portfolio. and the project-level Gantt chart.
  • In the “From” address displayed in your emails. (However, this can be configured independently from Emails > Appearance tab. See related articles) 
  • The signature of your emails. (Can be configured independently from Administration > Emails > Appearance tab. See related articles) 
  • The welcome page of your live chat messenger (Can be configured independently from Administration > Messenger)

Logo - Sets the logo for your company. The suggested size is 240px by 70px, otherwise the logo will appear stretched. Your company logo appears (by default) on:

  • Your customer apps - knowledge base, customer-facing forms, live chat messenger, portal. (Can be configured independently from Administration. See related articles). 
  • Email header
  • Invoices/quotes (in the preview link and the link sent to customers).

URI - The URI is the unique identifier for your account. The URI is set upon creation of your account. If you want to change your URI you must contact us. For detailed information on the URI and where it is used in your account please see: URI in OneDesk. 

Working time

Working Days

Lets you set which days of the week your organization works. Your company’s days off will be marked on your Gantt chart and calendar view in gray. Days off also impact the scheduling of tasks:

  • You cannot schedule tasks to start or end on a day off.
  • The total duration (total working days) of tasks is calculated based on working days only. For instance, if you have two days off in a week, and a task is scheduled for a two week period, the tasks total duration is 10 days, not 14. 

Working Hours Per Day 

Lets you set the number of hours your company works in a day. Working hours can have an impact on your task and project planning: 

  • When entering planned work or effort on a task, hours worked on a timesheet, etc., if you enter ‘1 day’ of work this will equate to your number of working hours. The reverse is also true. If you enter the equivalent working hours, this will display as 1 day. For example, if my working hours per day is set to 8 and I log 16 hours of work to a timesheet, my timesheet entry will display '2 days' of work. 

Workday start

Lets you set when your organization starts their working day. (The end time is determined by your working hours per day). Like working days, the workday start impacts the scheduling of tasks:

  • You cannot schedule tasks to start before or after the work day ends.
  • Impacts the hours displayed on the calendar and Gantt. (If the displayed time is wrong be sure your time zone is set correctly, see below)

Use working hours for SLA metrics calculation - If selected, Service Level Agreements (SLAs) will not be reduced outside of your set working hours. 

Ignore bot replies for SLA metrics calculation - If selected, automated replies from the bot will not be used to fulfill SLA reply metrics such as 'first reply'. 

Planned start and finish  

Show only date - Disables the to-the-minute scheduling options in the task detail panel. Tasks will be scheduled for one day or across several days but not for a specific time. 

Show date and time - Enables the time scheduling options available in the task detail panel. Tasks have the ability to start and end at specific times.  


Date Format

Configures your organization’s preferred date format. This date format is displayed in various locations such as your activity log, the schedule dates on item detail panels, timesheet start and finish dates, etc. 

Time Format

Sets the displayed time to 24 hour or 12 hour format. Time is displayed in various locations including the activity log, item schedules, etc. 

 Time Zone 

Set your time zone. Time zone impacts your working hours and the hours displayed on the calendar and Gantt. The time zone is set using UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). If you are unsure of your time zone in UTC there are many online UTC conversion tools available. 


OneDesk's interface is available in many languages. Changing the language will change the interface text and not any user or customer generated content i.e. ticket names. Setting the language from the company preferences settings will change the language for your entire organization. If individuals in your organization use a different language than the organization they are able to change their own language preferences from their profile.

For full details see: Language Settings

Work Format

Sets the format for work amounts, including the 'planned work' and 'actual work'.

General item settings / Project default settings

Default conversation visibility - On the detail panels of tickets, tasks, articles, and projects there is a conversation tab that allows users to to send messages to customers or users. When you create a new conversation on an item in this way, followers and requesters of this ticket will receive the new message. If the conversation is set as 'Customer Replies' the message will be sent to both customers (requesters) and users (followers). Internal messages on the other hand, are sent to users (followers) only. The default conversation setting configures whether by default messages are set to customer replies (public) or set to internal messages (private).

If you are concerned about accidentally sending a message to a customer, we recommend setting the default visibility to 'internal messages.' You can set the defaults for items (tickets/tasks) and projects separately. 

Item default conversation visibility - Sets the default for conversations made on tickets/tasks

Project default conversation visibility - Sets the default for conversations made on projects

See also: Changing the Default Message Visibility

Example of the conversation tab of an item.

Limit adding customer followers to the project’s customer organization - When selected, you will only be able to add customers from the same organization as the project. For example Project A is for customer org ‘ABC Org’, customers from ‘XYZ Org’ cannot be added as followers of Project A or to any task/ticket with this project.

Default Planned EffortHere you can also set the default 'Planned Effort.' Whenever you create a task/ticket, this default estimate will be generated in the planned effort of the task. (Remember, 1 day of effort corresponds to your 'Working Hours Per Day' setting).

Invite all users on project creation - When creating a project there is a check box called "Invite all teams and individual users," which invites every user and team to the new project by default. If you uncheck this company setting, upon project creation that box will not be checked on and so teams/users will need to be added to the project. If you generally do not want to invite all users to new projects, uncheck this setting. 

Remember users do not see projects not shared with them. See: Project Roles & Permissions

If unchecked, this setting will be off upon project creation. This ensures all users are not invited to a new project by default.

Create items using only names - Enables you to quickly create items from the ‘grid’ (Flat view). In the flat view select the 'action icon' (three dots) and select Insert New Item. Enter the item name then hit enter. You can then enter another item by naming it and hitting enter. If you disable this setting, the item form will open instead. 

Subtask settings 

Configures how subtasks interact with the parent item (ticket/task).

Please see the article on : Subtask Roll-Up Options

Text editor

When on, URLS entered into the text editor will appear as a linked thumbnail box rather than a text link. 

Other settings

Show the widget to chat with the OneDesk Team - Add or hide the widget from the right hand corner of your OneDesk application. This widget lets you communicate with our team if you have any questions while working. 

Send message unless seen within x - Emails and other notifications are not sent to the participants if the message has been seen by them from within OneDesk. By default, there is a 60 second delay before notifications are sent, allowing the participant to view the message within that time. This feature is to prevent participants from being overwhelmed by notifications when they are working in OneDesk. If you prefer to increase or decrease this delay you can do so by entering a number (in seconds) under Other settings > ‘Send message unless seen within’.

Related Articles:

Language Settings

URI in OneDesk

Changing Default Message Visibility

Subtask Roll-Up Options

Email Customization